Hi everybody !
I know that for the moment, we haven't taken so many photos of the architectures, the Danube, and all the things which make the beauty of the city. But there are some reasons for that, and the best one is the weather : whatever if you are in Paris, Budapest, Prague or New York, if the weather is bad, the photos will appears grey, dull. Let's see an example : I will put 2 photos. The first one has been taken by us when we were at this place, and the second one is just one photo of the same place (with a little bit different point of view) from Google Images. Let's see :
Our photo |
Picture took from Google Images. Source : http://voyages.orange.fr/reportages/photos/les-plus-beaux-ponts-du-monde/le-pont-de-la-liberte-a-budapest.html |
We don't expect to make photos as beautiful as this one, but just have some colors, and in this case, just see the hill behind the gate... So the photos will come at the same time as the good weather.
Yesterday, we met 3 Hungarian students of the Dennis Gabor College at the railway station (Keleti Pályaudvar) at 17:00. We took the bus to go in the 14th district, 3 km from home, and we arrived to the Tájfun Biliárdszalon és Étterem, a bar restaurant and billiard lounge (http://www.tajfunbiliard.hu ; look at the video on the website, I can't import it on this page...). We started by eating a huge pizza with a cocktail (at 17:30... Fortunately, we just took a breakfast at noon, but Bastien had taken a Big Mac Menu on McDonald's at 16:45... He has regretted this choice...), Bastien was the only one to take a salad... but a big one !
The Sex on the beach... cocktail : vodka, orange,
blueberry |
.jpg) |
The gigantic pizza |
The "little" salad after Big Mac Menu |
It was here I discovered one important thing : we were surprised to eat a pizza at this time, so I asked at what time Hungarian people use to eat, and I explained that in France, we have one time for breakfast, one time for lunch, and a last for dinner. The answer was very logical and surprising too : "Well, in Hungary, we eat when we are hungry". Yes, why not...
Maybe it's not very representative on the photos, but the plates are really huge : we laughed out loud when Bastien's salad was served : he just wanted a tiny dish after his McDonald's menu, and this was just enormous... and cheap ! Ok, the cocktail cost 1200 Ft (about 4 €), but the pizza was only 1490 Ft, less than 5 € ! In comparison, in France, the pizza is twice as small for the double of the price...
After this lunch, we did 5 or 6 billiard rounds, Hungarian vs French and mixed teams after (we have finished only one round, the 8-ball was always put in a hole before the end of the game...). And the price of the billiard unlimited use was 1278 Ft (4 € more or less...), divided by 6 (for each player), that means about 0.70 € per person...
To finish the comparison : in Budapest, capital city of Hungary, for 10 €, you can eat at the restaurant, take a cocktail, and play billiard for hours. In Angers, capital city of... the Maine-et-Loire region, you have one cinema ticket (with the student price, about 9.50 €), and a 50 cL water bottle (I think it's 2.50 €...) for 6 people. What else?
After that, we came back home. Hungarian IT students aren't used to drinking and going out and come back home at 5 o'clock (of course, there are exceptions... ), and for that, they are like me. I spent a really nice moment with them. Next time, we'll go to bowling !
Bye bye !