April 22, 2014

the parliament

Once upon a time, three students in journey in Budapest wanted to visit the parliament, first symbol of the city. In spite of their numerous failure to visit, they managed to make it two weeks later

To begin the Hungarian parliament was build of 1885 to 1904
The square in front of the monument is  Kossuth's square in honor of this man who led the revolution of 1848-49.

At the entrance of the parliament, we had to cross a security
gantry as in an airport. It was long and boring but obligatory.

The parliament is compose of 691 rooms
44 kg of gold leaves for gilts
Hundreds of statues

Room of the National Assembly of Hungary
with 199 seat.

Behind the desk of the President of the deputies chamber are represented the blazons of the main families having reigned over Hungary.

From left to right we have:
1) Arpadiens
2) Anjou
3) Hunyadi
4) Jagellons
5) Zapolya
6) Habsbourg.

The dome is 96 meters high to remind it year 1896
The millennium of the Hungarian nation

Saint Étienne's crown with the twisted cross is exposed(explained) under the dome
Two guards make the guarding and and fight exercises

  The conferencesvlounge, a place where the deputies talkes about laws to the journalist

 And to finish there is the main staircase

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